May 8, 2024

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information when you use our website and services.

Franchise Ai LLC. (Franchise Ai) is committed to protecting the privacy of the people who use the systems that we provide. This document describes our policies and practices regarding the collection and use of Personal Information. Personal Information is information that relates, and is capable of being linked, to a particular person (“PI”). This does not include de-identified or aggregate information. PI that we may collect may include domain names, Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses, e-mail addresses, contact information (such as name, address, and telephone numbers) and any other information that you otherwise provide and/or we receive through our systems.

By choosing to use Franchise Ai LLC.'s products or services, you acknowledge and accept our practices regarding the collection, storage, and processing of your information as described in this Privacy Policy. Acceptance of these terms is a condition for using our services. If you do not agree to these terms, unfortunately, we will not be able to provide you with our products or services. We encourage you to review this policy thoroughly to understand our data practices and your rights concerning your personal information.


Franchise Ai LLC. is committed to continually improving our services and maintaining compliance with legal and regulatory changes. As such, we reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at our discretion. When we do, we will notify you of any changes by sending an email to the address associated with your account. We encourage you to review the updated Privacy Policy to ensure you are informed about how we are protecting your information. Your continued use of our services after such amendments will constitute your acceptance of the changes. If you do not agree to the updated policy, you may choose to discontinue the use of our services.


While Franchise Ai LLC. does not use your personal information to train artificial intelligence models or forward it to AI models, we do utilize third-party tools for analytics and product improvement purposes. To ensure full transparency and control over your personal data, we require explicit consent from you to share your data with these third-party tools. This consent is separate and distinct from the consent provided for Google OAuth and any other service-specific consents.

By engaging with our services, you will be prompted to provide this explicit consent through a clear, user-friendly interface. This consent process is designed to give you complete understanding and control over how your data is shared and used beyond our primary services. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, and instructions for doing so will be readily available within our services and customer support channels.


Franchise Ai LLC. is committed to ensuring that your data is handled with the utmost care and transparency. To share your data with third-party tools for analytics and internal product improvements, we will present you with a consent form or dialogue box within our application. This form will clearly explain the data being shared, the purpose of sharing, and the third parties involved.
Your consent for this data sharing is entirely voluntary and separate from any other consents we may ask for, including Google OAuth consent. Should you choose to provide your consent, you may later retract it by contacting our customer support or through the settings within our application. We are dedicated to providing you with clear options to manage and control your personal information.


Our white-label partners have the ability to export data collected through the applicant portals for their operational use. Franchise Ai LLC. provides the functionality to export data securely and in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Partners are advised to handle the exported data with care and are responsible for any further data processing conducted outside of our platform. This includes maintaining compliance with all relevant data protection regulations when handling exported data.


We only collect and use PI from you for the purpose of providing the information and services that you request. Franchise Ai LLC. does not sell, rent, retain, use, disclose, release, transfer, make available, or otherwise communicate any PI for any purpose other than for the specific purpose requested. Information collected is only used for proper business purposes and at no time will be used outside that scope.

PI processed by Franchise Ai LLC. shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for the intended processes or purposes. You have the right to request what PI of yours we possess, and you have the right to request that your PI be deleted from our systems.
Additionally, with your explicit consent, we may share your personal information with third-party tools solely for the purpose of enhancing our services through analytics and product improvement initiatives. This sharing is conducted under the strict condition that your data will be used in alignment with this privacy policy, ensuring your privacy and data protection rights are upheld. At any point, you may withdraw your consent, ceasing any further data sharing with these third parties.


Franchise Ai LLC. provides a white-labeled applicant portal that partners can customize according to their branding needs. While Franchise Ai LLC. retains the management and security of the data collected through these portals, our partners are responsible for ensuring that the content displayed complies with applicable laws, including data protection regulations. Partners must also manage user consent for the collection and use of personal data through the portal. Franchise Ai LLC. supports partners by providing necessary tools and guidance to fulfill these responsibilities.


Franchise Ai LLC. also collects and uses de-identified or aggregate information which cannot be linked back to any individual. This information is used solely for the purposes of analyzing trends, improving our services, and enhancing user experience. We ensure that such information is processed in a manner that respects the privacy of our users and remains in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. By using our services, you agree to the collection and use of this type of information for the purposes stated.


We collect your‎ name, postal address, e-mail address, phone number, fax number, and demographic information (such as your gender and occupation), as well as any other information you directly give us.


We may receive additional PI about you, such as demographic information, from third-party business partners, marketers, researchers, analysts, and other vendors that we may use to supplement the PI that we collect directly from you.


We understand the importance of having control over your Personal Information, including any data we may receive about you from third-party sources. Franchise Ai LLC. adheres to strict standards in handling such information, ensuring it is used in accordance with this Privacy Policy and your preferences. We provide you with the options to control and limit the data shared by these third parties. For more details on how to manage these preferences, please contact our customer service.


Whether you submit PI to the website, or are just browsing, we use cookies just as most other websites do. A cookie is a small packet of data that a computer receives and then sends back without changing or altering it. They are used to retrieve information that was created by our systems to do things such as:

  • Save user preferences and settings,

  • Customize the content for individual users,

  • Track session information (for example, determining if you are logged in or have visited before), and

  • Facilitate and enhance your interaction with the contents of the website.

We may also use methods such as Google Analytics or Hotjar to track usage of our websites so that we can continue to improve them.


Franchise Ai LLC. may use your PI as follows:

  • to operate, maintain, and improve our sites, products, and services;

  • to respond to comments and questions and provide customer service;

  • to send information including confirmations, invoices, technical notices, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages;

  • to communicate about promotions, upcoming events, and other news about products and services offered by us and our selected partners;

  • to process and deliver contest entries and rewards;

  • to link or combine user PI with other information;- to provide and deliver products and services at your request.


Franchise Ai LLC. may share PI as follows:

  • We may share PI with your consent. For example, you may let us share PI with others for their own marketing uses. Those uses will be subject to their privacy policies.

  • We use third-party web analytics services (e.g., Google Analytics, Hotjar) on our services to collect and analyze the information discussed above, and to engage in auditing, research and reporting.

  • We may share PI if Franchise Ai LLC. merges or is combined with any other organization, or if it transfers all or substantially all of its assets or operations to another organization, it may disclose PI it collects from you to the other organization so that the other organization can continue to provide services to you while maintaining your PI rights of both access and choice. The other organization will be bound by this policy.

  • We may share PI for legal, protection, and safety purposes.   

  • We may share PI to respond to lawful requests and legal processes.   

  • We may share PI to protect the rights and property of Franchise Ai LLC., our agents, customers, and others. This includes enforcing our agreements and policies.   

  • We may share PI in an emergency. This includes protecting the safety of our employees and agents, our customers, or any person.


Franchise Ai LLC. may contract with other companies to provide various services to our customers on an outsourced basis rather than performing the services directly. For example, we may contract with a cloud hosting provider to host some or all of the processing and communication services that we provide. By continuing to use our services, you consent to our use of these third-party providers.


Franchise Ai LLC.’s Limited’s use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

In short, your data collected through Google APIs will only be used to facilitate our App features (e.g. displaying and scheduling meetings on your linked google calendar) and will not be misused, transferred or sold.


Franchise Ai LLC.'s use of information received from the Microsoft Graph API will adhere to the Microsoft API Terms and the Microsoft Privacy Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Our app requests access to calendar event details, times, and attendee information. This data will be retained as outlined in our general data retention policy. In short, your data collected through Microsoft Graph API will only be used to facilitate our App features (e.g., displaying and scheduling meetings on your linked Microsoft 365 calendar) and will not be misused, transferred, or sold beyond the scope of our services.

You can revoke access to your Microsoft 365 data at any time through our App settings or your Microsoft account.


The PI (including your IP address) collected by various analytics technologies will be disclosed to or collected directly by these Service Providers, who use the PI to evaluate your use of the services, including by noting the third-party website from which you arrive, analyzing usage trends across Franchise Ai LLC. products, assisting with fraud prevention, and providing certain features to you.


Franchise Ai LLC. will retain PI for only so long as needed to provide services to our customers or to comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes, prevent abuse, and enforce our agreements.

When you give us PI, we take steps to ensure that it’s treated securely through the use of strong security and encryption.


We may need to disclose certain PI of users when we have a reasonable and good-faith belief that the disclosure is necessary to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order or other legal process, or to otherwise enforce or protect our rights under applicable law. In this situation, we will use reasonable efforts to provide notice of this disclosure to all affected users, to the extent reasonably possible under the circumstances.


We will use at least industry-standard security measures to protect against the loss, alteration, misuse, and unauthorized disclosure or access of the information under our control. The servers that we use to store information are kept in secure data center environments with physical access restrictions and continuous monitoring.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started with Franchise Systems Ai?

How do I get started with Franchise Systems Ai?

What is the Applicant Portal in Franchise Systems Ai?

What is the Applicant Portal in Franchise Systems Ai?

What does the 30-day free trial include?

What does the 30-day free trial include?

Can Franchise Systems Ai integrate with my existing tools?

Can Franchise Systems Ai integrate with my existing tools?

How does Franchise Systems Ai ensure the security of my data?

How does Franchise Systems Ai ensure the security of my data?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started with Franchise Systems Ai?

What is the Applicant Portal in Franchise Systems Ai?

What does the 30-day free trial include?

Can Franchise Systems Ai integrate with my existing tools?

How does Franchise Systems Ai ensure the security of my data?

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© 2024 Franchise AI Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2024 Franchise AI Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2024 Franchise AI Inc. All rights reserved.